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Doula basics

A doula is a birth support worker for pregnant people along their journey. My role is to be an emotional support, advocate, and overall a familiar face within your journey. I’ll be working with you alongside any birth partners you may have, and as a continuum doula specifically I’ll be giving you a longstanding and more personalised support.


Practically I’ll be giving you 6 antenatal sessions – which includes the birth and a visit within the first days after the birth – this will cover your needs, options and preferences for your birth, discussing practicalities and expectations for postnatal life, all tailored to your needs.


Postnatally you’ll have 6 sessions – or 12 hours in whatever construct suits you – supporting your needs individually, connections with baby and other people within the home, and first outings. All these sessions will be tailored to your needs and wants from me.

Pricing - Sliding scale

My fees are on a sliding scale to accomodate different circumstances. To pay within the bracket that suits you is best.


Solidarity - £1700 - this is for someone who may not be able to meet their needs regularly, or who qualifies for assistance. Someone who pays this fee may have debt; has financial stress; and cannot afford time away


Sustainer - £2500 - this is for those able to regularly meet their basic needs. Someone who pays this fee might be employed; have sustainable housing; and have some excess resources


Supporter - £3000 - this is for someone who can comfortably achieve their needs.  Someone who pays this fee can afford to buy new things; go on holidays when desired; and have expendable income

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